Robo 3T
MongoDB management tool
Update: New version released, Robomongo 0.9.0 RC3. We recommend to use the latest version, because it contains critical fixes. Robomongo 0.9.0 RC2 released today for all three major platforms. In this release we f ixed critical issue with incorrect shutdown of embedded MongoDB shells, that was part of Robomongo since… »
Today we prepared RC1 for Mac OS X. We did not have a chance to run this package on Mac OS versions other than El Capitan (10.11). Download Robomongo 0.9.0 RC1 for Mac OS X Update: We updated package and now it also works with Yosemite (10.10). Some small UI… »
20 days is over, it’s time to report our progress. Robomongo now fully supports MongoDB 3.0 and 3.2 databases, including WiredTiger storage engine. And we continue to support MongoDB 2.4 and 2.6. Inside Robomongo we now use MongoDB 3.2 shell engine. It means that you now have support for the… »
The New Year is very close and everyone makes preparations to celebrate it in the best way. Here at Paralect we are doing the same 🙂 One week ago several Paralect teammates volunteered to implement MongoDB 3.0 and 3.2 support, including support for WiredTiger storage engine. We simply couldn’t wait… »
In this post I’m planning to shed light on one technical limitation, that is important to overcome in next Robomongo versions. It is about current approach, that is used to integrate Robomongo and MongoDB shell. If we will solve this problem, many possibilities will be opened for further improvements in… »