Robo 3T
MongoDB management tool
We are very happy to announce the new version of Robomongo 1.0-RC1 with Replica Set support! In this release, we have lots of changes and improvements. In summary, Replica Set feature is the most major feature of this release, we have error reporting improvements for almost all operations, we have… »
We are very happy to announce final version of Robomongo 0.9.0! As some may have noticed, we have released ten release candidates (RCs) in the past 8 months. This version is final release version, tested thoroughly and is ready to be used in production. We have added several new features… »
We are very happy to announce the new Robomongo with SSL support:Robomongo 0.9.0 RC10! In this new release, Robomongo supports almost all SSL options that can be configured with mongo shell and Robomongo is probably the only MongoDB GUI program which can achieve this. 1. SSL Support Robomongo (and MongoDB)… »
We are happy to announce new version: Robomongo 0.9.0 RC9! Collection advanced options With this version of Robomongo you can specify all configuration options for newly created collections. We support major MongoDB versions 3.2, 3.0, 2.6 and storage engine types: WiredTiger and MMAPV1. Based on storage engine or MongoDB version,… »
We are happy to announce 0.9.0 RC8 version of Robomongo! SSH protocol Support for SSH protocol is completely re-implemented and includes many improvements. Nobody was very much happy with the implementation in version 0.8. It was implemented surprisingly badly in all cases 🙂 Many issues were reported and some design… »