Category: Legacy

  • Studio 3T Free and the future of Robo 3T

    TL;DR:  3T is releasing a free edition of Studio 3T to replace Robo 3T. 3T is pleased to announce the availability of Studio 3T Free. This new tool is built from the same codebase as the rest of the 3T family of tools providing a stable, sustainable, free MongoDB client for all. What is Studio…

  • macOS Big Sur support in Robo 3T 1.4.3

    ❗ Studio 3T Free is replacing Robo 3T – Learn more about this change in Studio 3T Free and the future of Robo 3T. New features Big Sur support macOS Big Sur support is now available in Robo 3T, which should address design and UX issues such as #1779. More screen space We’ve removed the…

  • DocumentDB paging fixed in Robo 3T 1.4.2

    What was the problem? In Robo 3T 1.4.1 and before, there were two problems resulting with the same error Unrecognized field: ‘ntoreturn’ when the followings were done: More details can be found here: The Solution After some deep investigation, we found that DocumentDB server was responding to standard MongoDB paging queries with the error Unrecognized…

  • Robo 3T 1.4 with MongoDB 4.2 support is released !

    Robo 3T 1.4 with MongoDB 4.2 support is released !

    ❗ Studio 3T Free is replacing Robo 3T – Learn more about this change in Studio 3T Free and the future of Robo 3T. We are very happy to announce the release Robo 3T 1.4 with MongoDB 4.2 support! What’s new in Robo 3T 1.4: New Features   1. Mongo shell 4.2 upgrade   2. Manually specify…

  • Robo 3T 1.3 with MongoDB 4.0 support is released !

    Robo 3T 1.3 with MongoDB 4.0 support is released !

    We are very happy to announce the release Robo 3T 1.3 with MongoDB 4.0 support! In this release we have important new features, improvements and bug fixes. The most important changes are mongo shell upgrade from version 3.4 to 4.0, ‘Create/View/Drop User’ features are fixed, support for importing from MongoDB SRV connection strings and query…