Roboteam is happy to announce the release of Robomongo 0.8.4 (currently available version is 0.8.4 RC2). In this version we weremainly concentrated on SSH and SSL protocols and several bug fixes.
Although we are showing screenshots of Robomongo for Linux, all this new features are available for Mac OS X and Windows as well. Next time we will use Windows for such showcase 🙂
For the changes in 0.8.4 RC2 please read changelog at the bottom of this page.
Access your MongoDB using SSH protocol
You now can connect to MongoDB via SSH tunnel. We support two methods of authentication: with password and with private key:
 |  |
We would like to know how this feature works or doesn’t work for you. Feel free to post your comments to SSH support issue.
Access your MongoDB using SSL protocol
In this version we are doing first steps in order to fully support SSL protocol. Right now we support only passphrase-lesscertificates and we do not support Certificate Authority (CA) certificates. This is planned for the future releases.

As with SSH feature, we would like to know how SSL works for you. Feel free to post your comments toSupport for mongod’s with SSL issue.
Note, that the default distribution of MongoDB does not contain support for SSL. To use SSL, you must either buildMongoDB locally passing the --ssl
option to scons or use MongoDB Enterprise.
Autoexpand first document in Tree View
When opening documents in Tree View, you now can autoexpand first document automatically. Note, that only first level of document’s fields is expanded (this constraint is for performance reasons).
This feature was implemented by our most active contributor — Vladimir Belozyorov. Thank you, Vladimir!

Robomongo 0.8.4 RC1
- Create or edit index problem (#341)
- Regexp error (with non-latin symbols) (#351)
- Support for latin characters in edit document console (#347)
- Robomongo fails to execute shell “comments” if the comment contains a non-latin character! (#334)
- Crash when add ISODate field (#350)
- Crash at executing several disconnections in a row (#290)
- Deleting multiple documents prompts for each document (#386)
- Connection context menu appears independently of position of Robomongo instance.
- Crash at pressing “Ctrl+T” without any connection.
Robomongo 0.8.4 RC2
- SSH now works on Mac OS X Mavericks (#401)
- Fixed crash when parsing date (#356)
Robomongo 0.8.4 Final
- Selected view mode of result panels now preserved between executions. Implemented by Vladimir Belozyorov ( (#402)
Thank you!
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Also, let us know about any problems via Robomongo’s GitHub Issues.