Robomongo RC7

Robomongo RC7 is out with several improvements.

Error reporting

We fixed critical issue in handling of JavaScript exceptions (#1035). Before RC7 only syntax errors are shown, but JavaScript exceptions were not reported at all. This is now fixed:

Robomongo RC7 shows exactly the same error message as a stock MongoDB 3.2 shell (without some logging metadata). For comparison, here is an output of the mongo shell for the same script:

2016-03-04T17:48:00.066+0300 E QUERY    [thread1] Error: Role name for getRole shell helper must be a string :DB.prototype.getRole@src/mongo/shell/db.js:1566:1@(shell):1:1

Prefix 2016-03-04T17:48:00.066+0300 E QUERY [thread1] is not shown in Robomongo, but we are planning to make it configurable.

Logs panel

We restored Logs panel. Now it shows all your queries and additional information:

Confirmation on close

When you close Edit Document window with unsaved changes, you will be warned about it:

This feature was implemented by Anton Zering. Thank you, Anton!

Tip: Use ESC key to close this window.

Better document browsing

Sometimes you just need to quickly list documents in a collections. The quickest way to do this is to double click on a collection in a left sidebar. Sadly, but before Robomongo RC7 it also opens tree item and very soon your sidebar will be cluttered with expanded collection nodes and will look like this:

We solved this issue in RC7 and now your sidebar will always look compact (unless you really need to explore additional collection properties, like indexes):

Tip: you also can press Enter when you have a focus on a collection in a sidebar for the same functionality.

Easier recursive expanding and collapsing

This is a minor but handy improvement implemented by our active community member Anton Zering. You now can use Alt + Right (or Option + Right on Mac) to recursively expand document node. It works for nested documents also.

To collapse recursively, press Alt + Left (or Option + Left on Mac). Keys Left and Right also collapse/expand documents, but not recursively.


Follow us on Twitter (@robomongo) to be notified about future releases. Please submit any found issues to our GitHub tracker.